
kolmapäev, 21. oktoober 2009

Valmistume järgmiseks kevadeks. Miks mitte juba nüüd...

Kuidas luua haldjaaeda, inglise keeles.

It is believed that the Fairies usually emerge and play from dusk till dawn, when all is quiet - here is a list of things you can include in your Fairy Garden that will attract and delight them:
Wind Chimes -
Fairies love to hear the tinkling of chimes and bells, if you listen hard enough, you may hear them brush past them!
A Pathway - Give the fairies a winding pathway to follow through their garden to help them find their way - you can use stones or gravel for this.
Water - You can make them a "pond" or fairy pool, by using any shallow receptacle filled with water.
A Fairy Door - It is said that Fairies will take up residence wherever they see a fairy door. You can buy or make a small door and attach it to a wall or tree stump in your garden.
Glitter - Pretty and Shiny objects attract Fairies - see what you can find to suit their sparkling taste!
Crystals - A crystal such as Rose Quartz, which attracts love into the home, can be placed in their garden to do the same for the fairies.
Shelter - Fairies need shelter from the wind and rain too ... this can be anything from a stone toadstool to an up-turned flower pot with a door cut in it. You can use a flat stone for "seating"!
Plants - You must, of course, have some plants! Try to keep them small, and having a fragrant herb, too, such as a miniature lavender will delight the fairies' keen sense of smell.
Fairy Friends - Fairies love to explore and play - small weatherproof ornaments of frogs, birds or any forest animal will charm them - let your imagination run away with you!

pikemalt sest teemast ja ka palju muud põnevat leiad siit...

Mõnusat kuulamist argipäeva!

Nüüd on hetk puhata paar minutit.
Võta aeg maha ja sule silmad, lihtsalt kuula ja lülita oma mõtted hetkeks pausile.
Lase helidel kulgeda läbi pea ja meelte, läbi käte ja tegude.
Et minna vastu uuele ja ilusamale päevale.

leidsin selle ilusa asja siit...